Mass Times


Reconciliation is 4.00pm to 4.45pm


*Note: No 5.00pm Mass on Easter Sunday or Christmas Day

Rosary is prayed Monday to Saturday at 8:40am






Reconciliation is 6:15pm to 6:45pm



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Latest News

Radcliffe on drafting of final synod document

Reflecting on the process of drafting of the final synod document, Fr Timothy Radcliffe urges participants to speak "with freedom", as "free children of God". Read More

There’s confusion at the synod. That might be a good sign.

In nine days, the synod’s 368 participants will have concluded their discussions, and on Oct. 26 they will vote on the final document, the fruit of three years’ work throughout the Catholic Church, to present their proposals to Pope Francis. Read More

Pontifex Minimus: October 10 and 11 at the Synod

Over coffee this morning we reveled in the gossip, got caught up on the latest doings of colleagues, took pleasure in the memory of our mutual friend and veteran Vaticanista, the redoubtable Rob Mickens, and lamented the sorry state of American politics. And then it was over. Read More

Synod wrestles with core issues of governance

Most of the synodal proceedings are behind closed doors, and the pope has asked participants not to speak to the media. Still, core issues are emerging. Read More

Season of Creation celebrated with joyful spring Mass in the Blue Mountains

The Season of Creation was in ushered in on a fresh and sunny spring day in the Blue Mountains, as Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv concelebrated Mass with Fr John McSweeny at Sacred Heart Parish, Blackheath.  Read More

Synod: “I feel like I’m watching an enormous live news broadcast”

After 15 days of work, participants at the second session of the Synod of Bishops on synodality being held at the Vatican share their insights into contexts marked by forgotten wars. Pope Francis’ call to "de-Westernize" the Church appears to have been heard. Read More

The Spirit is Moving: Updates from a Global Synod, Letter 4.

Throughout October 2024, Br Mark O’Connor FMS, Vicar for Communications for the Diocese of Parramatta and the Pope Francis Fellow at Newman College, University of Melbourne, will provide reports on the second session of the Synod on Synodality in Rome. This is his fourth letter Read More

I pray the Rosary every day—in my own way. So can you.

For my entire Catholic life, no matter how hard I’ve tried, I’ve never been able to remember all the ins and outs of the Rosary: the mysteries, the placement of the various prayers and so on. I pray it, but in my own way. Read More

The bishop selection process is still a concern among synod delegates

The selection of bishops has been a debated issue since apostolic times. There is no perfect way to select bishops. Read More

Catholic Care WSBM supports new refugee families to settle in Australia

Three refugee families – including a large family of six – are receiving vital settlement and integration support in Australia, with many more are receiving advocacy support, as part of a holistic refugee settlement and support program being delivered by Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains (Catholic Care WSBM).  Catholic Care WSBM’s refugee settlement program aims to integrate refugees who do not have any family links in Australia, or who have been referred to Australia by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).   Rita Hakkoum, a community outreach worker at Catholic Care WSBM said the program helps… Read More


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